Source code for progressindicator.extensions

"""This module contains the Built-in Extensions for ProgressIndicator class."""
from __future__ import division
from .base import BaseExtension
from .tags import *

[docs]class Bar(BaseExtension): """Extension to display Progress bar in console. Parameters ---------- length : int, optional Number of entities in the Bar (Default 60) begin_entity : str, optional Symbol to indicate start of the Bar (Default '[') filler_entity : str, optional Symbol which is used to show completed part of the Bar (Default '#') empty_entity : str, optional Symbol which is used to show incomplete part of the Bar (Default ' ') end_entity : str, optional Symbol to indicate end of the Bar (Default ']') """ def __init__(self, length=60, begin_entity='[', filler_entity='#', empty_entity=' ', end_entity=']'): BaseExtension.__init__(self, requirements=[TAG_PERCENTAGE]) self.length = length self.begin_entity = begin_entity self.filler_entity = filler_entity self.empty_entity = empty_entity self.end_entity = end_entity def _is_update_required(self, prev_params, params): return abs((self._get_entity_count(prev_params[0]) - self._get_entity_count(params[0]))) >= 1 def _get_entity_count(self, percentage): return int(percentage * self.length / 100) def _get_bar(self, filler_count): bar = (self.begin_entity + (self.filler_entity * filler_count) + (self.empty_entity * (self.length - filler_count)) + self.end_entity) return bar def on_validated(self, params): current_entity_count = self._get_entity_count(params[0]) bar = self._get_bar(current_entity_count) self.set_value(bar)
[docs]class BouncingBar(BaseExtension): """ This Extension displays a visual cue for a task with indeterminate progress. Parameters ---------- length : int, optional Number of entities in the Bar (Default 60) begin_entity : str, optional Symbol to indicate start of the Bar (Default '[') filler_entity : str, optional Symbol which is used to show completed part of the Bar (Default '*') empty_entity : str, optional Symbol which is used to show incomplete part of the Bar (Default ' ') end_entity : str, optional Symbol to indicate end of the Bar (Default ']') velocity : int, optional Speed of the filler (Default 200) """ def __init__(self, length=60, begin_entity='[', filler_entity='*', empty_entity=' ', end_entity=']', velocity=100): BaseExtension.__init__(self, requirements=[TAG_TIME_SINCE_BEGIN, TAG_DELTATIME], update_interval=0.1) self.length = length self.filler = filler_entity self.begin_entity = begin_entity self.end_entity = end_entity self.empty = empty_entity self.velocity = velocity self.position = 0 def _get_bar(self, position): bar = (self.begin_entity + (self.empty * position) + self.filler + (self.empty * (self.length - position - 1)) + self.end_entity) return bar def _set_position(self, pos): self.position = max(min(pos, self.length - 1), 0) def on_update(self, params): if 0 < self.position < self.length - 1: pass else: self.velocity *= -1 self._set_position(self.position + int(self.velocity * params[1])) self.set_value(self._get_bar(self.position)) def on_end(self, params): self.position = self.length - 1 self.set_value(self._get_bar(self.position))
[docs]class Alternator(BaseExtension): """This Extension displays items from a List in a sequential order in a loop after every a fixed time interval. Parameters ---------- char_iter : iterable of str The set of string through which the extension should loop. """ def __init__(self, char_iter): BaseExtension.__init__(self, requirements=[], update_interval=0.3) self._char_iter = char_iter self._current_pos = 0 def on_update(self, params): self.set_value(self._char_iter[self._current_pos]) self._current_pos = (self._current_pos + 1) % len(self._char_iter)
[docs]class Spinner(Alternator): """This Extension displays a visual cue for a task with indeterminate progress. It displays a rotating marker to indicate progress of a task. """ def __init__(self): Alternator.__init__(self, ['\\', '|', '/', '-'])
[docs]class Loader(Alternator): """This Extension displays a visual cue for a task with indeterminate progress. Parameters ---------- char : str The character which is to be repeated. n : int The maximum number character which should be displayed. """ def __init__(self, char='.', n=3): char_iter = [char*i for i in range(n+1)] Alternator.__init__(self, char_iter)
[docs]class Timer(BaseExtension): """This Extension provides total time since the task was started. """ def __init__(self): BaseExtension.__init__(self, requirements=[TAG_TIME_SINCE_BEGIN]) def on_validated(self, params): time_ = params[0] self.set_value(self._get_formatted_time(time_)) def on_invalidated(self, params): self.set_value('UNKNOWN') def _get_formatted_time(self, time): import datetime return str(datetime.timedelta(0, int(time), 0))
[docs]class ETA(Timer): """This Extension displays the expected time left for the task to be completed. """ def __init__(self): BaseExtension.__init__(self, requirements=[TAG_ETA])
[docs]class ETA1(Timer): """This Extension displays an alternate expected time left for the task to be completed. """ def __init__(self): BaseExtension.__init__(self, requirements=[TAG_ETA1])
[docs]class Rate(BaseExtension): """This Extension displays the rate at which calls to `publish` are made. """ def __init__(self): BaseExtension.__init__(self, requirements=[TAG_RATE]) def on_validated(self, params): rate = params[0] self.set_value(str(int(rate)) + ' iters/s') def on_invalidated(self, params): self.set_value('UNKNOWN')
[docs]class Percentage(BaseExtension): """This Extension displays percentage of the task completed. """ def __init__(self): BaseExtension.__init__(self, requirements=[TAG_PERCENTAGE]) def on_validated(self, params): percentage = params[0] self.set_value("{:0=2}%".format(int(percentage))) def on_invalidated(self, params): self.set_value('UNKNOWN')